GX Projects Driving Hokkaido Forward

Data Center

Data centers serve as the backbone of a digital society, playing an indispensable role in daily life by providing all internet services through these facilities. The Japanese government has positioned Hokkaido as a central hub for digital infrastructure, complementing and serving as an alternative to the Tokyo and Osaka regions.

Recently, there has been a growing trend of establishing AI development data centers in Hokkaido, leveraging the region’s cool climate and abundant renewable energy resources.

The status of data center locations in Hokkaido

Currently, there are 44 data centers located in Hokkaido (according to Hokkaido’s survey as of the end of February 2024).

Source: Created based on “Hokkaido’s Renewable Energy Potential and GX Industry Opportunities” by the Zero Carbon Promotion Bureau, Hokkaido Economic Department.

Towards Becoming Asia’s Digital and Communication Hub

Hokkaido aims to become a “digital and communication hub” in Asia by leveraging its geographical proximity to Europe and North America and connecting to international submarine communication cables.

Source: Created based on “Hokkaido’s Renewable Energy Potential and GX Industry Opportunities” by the Zero Carbon Promotion Bureau, Hokkaido Economic Department.

Source: Created based on “Hokkaido’s Renewable Energy Potential and GX Industry Opportunities” by the Zero Carbon Promotion Bureau, Hokkaido Economic Department.

  • Enhancing the resilience of Asia’s network
  • Strengthening Japan’s domestic digital infrastructure
  • Reinforcing economic security through collaboration with the U.S., Europe, ASEAN, and Oceania
*Note: The submarine cable routes are simplified representations of current major routes and future concepts, provided for illustrative purposes only.

Details of the eight projects can be found here.