GX Projects Driving Hokkaido Forward


Semiconductors are fundamental components used in various products across fields such as smartphones, computers, and AI, earning them the moniker “the rice of industry” due to their indispensability. In Hokkaido, there is a movement toward establishing a base for Rapidus Corporation, aiming for mass production of next-generation semiconductors that are energy-efficient and high-performance, as well as an accumulation of related industries.

A “National Project” Expected to Contribute to Achieving Carbon Neutrality and Enhancing Economic Security

Image Courtesy of Rapidus Corporation

Decision on the Location of a Mass Production Facility for Next-Generation Semiconductors

  • On February 28, 2023, Rapidus Corporation announced its decision to establish a mass production facility for next-generation semiconductors in Chitose City, Hokkaido.
  • The company highly values Hokkaido’s advantages, including abundant renewable energy, high-quality and plentiful water resources, vast industrial land surrounded by nature, and the region’s “Zero Carbon Hokkaido” policy.
  • Efforts are underway to develop the manufacturing facility and related infrastructure, with the pilot line set to begin operations in 2025 and mass production expected to start in 2027.

Realizing Mass Production of World-Leading Semiconductors Under 2nm in Hokkaido

  • Rapidus Corporation, in collaboration with IBM and other partners, aims to develop and mass-produce advanced semiconductors with circuit line widths of 2 nanometers or less.
  • Next-generation semiconductors improve performance efficiency by 45% and energy efficiency by 75%, contributing significantly to achieving carbon neutrality and supporting the “Zero Carbon Hokkaido” initiative.

Schedule for Mass Production of Next-Generation Semiconductors

Rapidus Corporation’s next-generation semiconductor manufacturing facility is expected to attract a total investment of approximately 5 trillion yen (according to the company).

  • The Japanese government has committed to supporting the project with funding caps of 70 billion yen in FY2022, 260 billion yen in FY2023, and 590 billion yen in FY2024.

Semiconductor-related industries / Accumulation status within Hokkaido

The establishment of Rapidus Corporation’s next-generation semiconductor manufacturing base has sparked a series of announcements for the location of related industries.

In Hokkaido, particularly in the Central and Southern regions, companies involved in semiconductor manufacturing, design and development, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and production facilities, as well as electronic devices, are establishing their presence.


Number of establishments: 57 facilities (as of December 2023)

Source: Consortium for Research and Analysis to Promote the Accumulation of Next-generation Semiconductor Industry, “Commissioned Research and Analysis to Promote the Accumulation of Next-generation Semiconductor Industry.

Details of the eight projects can be found here.